Vanessa Dunn

Jan 18, 20222 min

Recovery Your Way

Rethink recovery. The first step to prioritizing recovery is to shift your views on the subject — to realize how powerful and vital it is. It seems there are no off days; business never stops, family duties never tire, and our minds are always racing. The idea of permitting ourselves to slow down, rest, and relax seems merely unrealistic. Yet, to perform at our best, we must allow our bodies and minds to recover. Whether you're training for a marathon, juggling a hectic home life or work deadline, we all must learn to incorporate recovery into our daily routines. I encourage you to do daily self check-ins. I’ve put together a few questions that can help you assess your recovery needs:

Are you feeling burned out?
Do you find yourself needing caffeine/sugar to get through your day?
Do you wake up groggy and sluggish?
Are you experiencing aches and pains for seemingly no reason?
Do you experience mood or appetite swings?

It is so vital we learn to listen to the feedback our body is giving us. Our bodies hold an enormous amount of intelligence, the more we fix our attention on our well-being, the more we can flourish in all areas of our life.

Recovery comes in many different shapes and sizes. Today we will look at physical recovery.

Physical Recovery
When you are hitting a demanding workout routine, it is paramount to make time for physical recovery. Sometimes this means just good ol’ fashion REST, but recovery can also take shape in different movement forms.

Pilates is a beautiful way to restore energy, balance, and strength in the body. The Pilates method also places the utmost importance on the breath, which helps to calm, detoxify, and cleanse the body. By increasing mobility, flexibility, and coordination, we can learn to move through our lives with more ease and grace.

Yoga is another valuable form of active recovery, as well as emotional and spiritual. Yoga can stimulate our parasympathetic nervous system, which is our ‘rest and digest’ mode. We spend much of our lives in “fight or flight” mode, which drains our energy and keeps us in a constant stress state. Learning to activate and operate in a state of ‘rest and digest’ can transform the recovery game!

& Walking
Walking is the most natural and gentle way of moving our bodies. No matter what you may be recovering from, walking can be extremely beneficial. Walking boosts digestion, blood flow, joint mobility, combats muscle soreness, and reduces anxiety. Whenever possible, take a walk in nature, which may enhance your overall feeling of well being and help you feel more balanced.
